Why your fitness tracker may not be as accurate as you think 

Wrist Placement Fitness trackers on the wrist may give inaccurate heart rate readings if not positioned correctly.

Activity Type High-intensity or erratic movements can cause heart rate monitoring errors.

Step Counting Errors: Trackers may mistake other movements, like driving, for steps.

Calorie Burn Estimates: Trackers use generic formulas that don’t account for individual metabolic rates.

Activity Misidentification: If a tracker confuses activities (e.g., cycling for running), calorie calculations can be off.

Sleep Tracking Limitations: Trackers often rely on movement to track sleep, which can misrepresent.

Skin and Sweat Interference Moisture or sweat can disrupt sensors, affecting data accuracy.

Environmental Factors: Extreme temperatures can impair sensor performance, leading to inaccurate readings.

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