Another nutrient-dense fish that you need to check out are sardines. These are usually available in a can or tin, but can also be bought fresh from most fish mongers.
Kale has been labeled as a superfood for the last few years and it's easy to see why. It is a leafy green vegetable that is very high in vitamins, minerals, fiber as well as an array of bio active compounds as well as. Antioxidants. So, it's all very good stuff!
Many people would turn their nose up at eating seaweed but it is an incredibly healthy food to consume as often as you can, provided that it has not been prepared with any additives.
It may not be the best smelling food on the list, but garlic is high in an array of vitamins, such as C, B1 and B6, as well as being high in selenium, copper, and potassium.
However, regular consumption of clam, oysters, scallops and mussels are extremely nutrient dense. For example, eating clams regularly will help to create B vitamins, as well as increase vitamin C, potassium and iron.
Potatoes get a lot of slack, as they are carbohydrates and are linked to issues such as weight gain. However, potatoes are great sources of potassium, as well as iron, copper and magnesium.
This is another food that many people may turn their noses up at but, interestingly, this is a highly nutritious food.
Studies by Functional Foods and Nutrition have found that berries are an exceptional source of cancer-fighting (or preventing) antioxidants.
OK, so this should not be the sole component of your diet, but it should be in there somewhere! The reasoning is simple. Oily fish such as salmon and even mackerel are both high in omega-3 fatty acids. In simple terms, every single cell in the body needs these acids to function properly.
A few years ago, eggs came under fire for being high in cholesterol. However, eggs offer protein and healthy fats, as well as being tasty and filling. Interestingly, research has found that eating eggs each day can help with weight loss.