Lie flat on your back on a workout mat, arms at your sides, and feet planted on the ground.
Plant your feet just outside hip-width with your toes facing forward.
Place a loop band around your thighs. (You can also use a double-looped band by placing a loop around your front shin and the other loop around your back foot.
Place a loop band around your thighs, just above your knees. Place your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips.
Place a loop band around your thighs. Lie down on one side of your body and lengthen your bottom arm so your head rests on it.
Place a loop band around your thighs. Assume a tabletop position with your hands under your shoulders and squared hips.
Place a loop band around your ankles. Lie flat on your stomach. Stack your palms and rest your head on them.
Place a loop band around your ankles. Place your feet hip-distance apart on the floor and your hand on a wall or barre for support.
Place a loop band around your ankles. Stand facing a wall or barre for support. Keep a soft bend in your standing knee, lift your other leg, and hinge your upper body forward just a bit.
Place a loop band around your ankles. Stand tall and place your feet wider than hip-width apart, toes turned out just a bit.